



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00



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Established in 1927, the University of Houston empowers students in their pursuit of learning, discovery, leadership and engagement. Located in a sprawling metropolis, our premier Tier One campus provides students with cutting edge programs including undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, distance and continuing education. Ranked among the best colleges in America, UH is home to award-winning faculty, innovative research centers, has one of the most diverse student populations in the nation, and alumni who have become international leaders.At the University of Houston we prepare students to envision their future, emerge as leaders and launch careers that transform the world.

The mission of the University of Houston is to offer nationally competitive and internationally recognized opportunities for learning, discovery and engagement to a diverse population of students in a real-world setting. The University of Houston offers a full range of degree programs at the baccalaureate, master's, doctoral and professional levels and pursues a broad agenda of research and creative activities. As a knowledge resource to the public, the university builds partnerships with other educational institutions, community organizations, government agencies, and the private sector to serve the region and impact the world.



Faculty staff and students (by QS)

In total1500In total32750In total3510International64Postgraduate20%Postgraduate64%Undergraduate80%Undergraduate36%




The University of Houston's proud heritage of academic excellence dates back to its founding in 1927. In 1947, the institution launched one of its many rich traditions by adopting the cougar, later named Shasta, as its official mascot.

Over the years, we grew and prospered, becoming the University of Houston in 1934. Two years later, the institution acquired land for a permanent campus, and its first building opened in 1939. The university became a state institution in 1963 and joined the newly created University of Houston System in 1977.

Today, the University of Houston is a major public research and teaching institution, serving more than 39,800 students annually with nearly 300 undergraduate and graduate programs.





The University of Houston was founded in 1927. Acreage was acquired for a permanent campus in 1936, and the first building, the Roy Gustav Cullen Memorial Building, opened in 1939. UH public service and community activities, such as cultural offerings, clinical services, policy studies, and small-business initiatives, serve a diverse metropolitan population. Likewise, the resources of the Gulf Coast region complement and enrich the university's academic programs, providing students with professional expertise, practical experience, and career opportunities. In fact, more than 84 percent of our students secure career-level jobs within three months of graduation. UH has awarded more than 200,000 degrees, and approximately 75 percent of our alumni remain in the Houston area. UH offers 109 bachelor's, 131 master's, 51 doctoral, and three special professional degree programs through the university's 12 colleges. The university awards more than 6,500 degrees annually. UH is the most ethnically diverse research university in the nation. The 35,180 students enrolled in fall 2004 were 39.5 percent white, 18.7 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, 18.1 percent Hispanic, 13.0 percent African American, 8.1 percent International, 0.4 percent Native American, and 2.2 percent unknown; 75 percent undergraduate and 25 percent postbaccalaureate, graduate, and professional; 48 percent male and 52 percent female.

休斯頓大學成立于1927年。1936年獲得永久性校園土地。1939年建成棟教學樓Roy Gustav Cullen Memorial Building。休斯頓大學的公共服務和社區活動,比如文化產品、臨床服務、政策研究和小型企業計劃,方便了各種類型的城市人群。類似地,墨西哥灣岸區的資源也補充和豐富了學校的專業計劃,為學生提供了專業知識、實踐經歷和就業機會。事實上,84%的畢業生在畢業三個月內就找到了工作。休斯頓大學已授予超過20萬個學位,75%的校友留在波士頓地區。學校有學士學位計劃109個,碩士學位計劃131個,博士學位計劃51個,特別職業學位計劃3個。有12個學院。每年授予6千5百個學位。休斯頓大學是美國學生構成成分最多樣化的大學。根據2004年秋季數據,在注冊的35180名學生中,39.5%屬于白人學生,18.7%屬于亞洲/太平洋島民學生,18.1%屬于拉美裔美籍學生,13.0%屬于非裔美籍學生,8.1%屬于國際學生,0.4%屬于印第安學生,2.2%屬于身份待定學生。75%屬于本科生,25%屬于學士后、研究生和職業生。48%屬于男學生,52%屬于女學生。

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