全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海浦東新區民辦東鼎外國語學校 編輯:佚名
Culture is something you can't touch and you can't see,but you can experience its effect.
Culture could be decribed as our Principal Zhang said,'Walking with Wisdom,Accompanying with Happiness,Dialogue with the World'.
Culture is spread by words spoken by the teachers in the class,politeness and healthly habits,students quietly lining up with hundreds of other students,always dignified.
Culture is admiration from people who praise us and give a thumbs-up gesture to our school badge.
My philosophy teacher said:“Life is long,but the most critical steps are few.”It is a crucial step to choose the correct school.I hope that you will also make the right choice.
According to Mr.Wang,the director at our school’s college counseling centre,although well-established schools abroad often have complicated admission procedures,they have one common purpose:they are looking to recruit students with extraordinary talents.The establishment of our own product line has given me the confidence to apply to Penn State Media Department,which requires that students possess an inquiring mind,the desire for exploration,perseverance,an indomitable spirit and the pursuit of the best.This skincare project has proved that I have the potential to succeed in the world of media.